Liability and Participation in the Professional Standards Scheme

The Services provided by us are for your purposes only and you are not to rely on or use any aspect of the Services we provide for purposes other than as agreed by us.

All partners and practitioners in our firm are participants in the limitation of liability scheme governed by the Law Society of South Australia (”the LSSA Scheme”), being a scheme established under the Professional Standards Act 2004 (SA) (“the Act”).

The LSSA Scheme came into force and effect as from 1 July 2017. Accordingly, all aspects of the Services carried out and completed after 1 July 2017 will be subject to the provisions and limitations applicable under the LSSA Scheme.

In keeping with the requirements of the Act, our firm’s participation in the LSSA Scheme and the application of the LSSA Scheme to the provision of the Services will be reaffirmed in various documents (including emails, letters and invoices) that we issue to you from time to time during the provision of the Services. This will be done by way of a short notation as follows which will appear at the bottom of documents that we issue to you:

“Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation”.

Subject to the operation and provisions of the LSSA Scheme, the liability of our firm (and any practitioner of our firm) in damages for a breach of a contractual duty of care, in negligence or under statue arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Services will be capped to a monetary limit. In keeping with the Act and the terms of the LSSA Scheme, the applicable monetary limit is $1.5 million.

An explanation of the LSSA Scheme and its relevance to the provision of the Services can be found on the Law Society of South Australia website ( under the browser topic “Operating a Legal Practice - Professional Standards Scheme”.

If you would like a copy of the fact sheet concerning the LSSA Scheme, as published by the Law Society of South Australia, please let us know and we will make one available to you. 

Contact Us
Level 1, 139 Frome Street, Adelaide

+61 8 8215 4200